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Product Images Batch Resizer at CPMods.com, fully tested customised MODS for the Candypress eCommerce Shopping Cart




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Product Images Batch Resizer (free001)

FREE Image Resizer and Upload Utility

Released to the Candypress Community by Simon Farrow

Please submit Comments / Suggestions to - simonfa@gmail.com

Excellent for people who don't have a graphics program or simply want an easy all in one re-sizer and upload utility.

Great companion program to people who own our Multiple Images MOD. We are happy Simon has given us permission to add it as a FREE Utility on our site. Thanks to Simon for the effort in putting this together. 

Here is Simon's description of the Batch Resizer:


The batch creates 3 (or 2) resized versions of each original image then renames the  resized versions with a suffix or prefix of your choice. 

Original images are preserved; the resized images are placed in a subfolder called resized! this folder is displayed at the end of each batch.

If you tick "upload after resize" the batch will upload the resized images to your website image folder via FTP.

To enable the upload you first need to enter a valid FTP host and specify the remote image folder. Once you have tested the connection successfully you can enable the automatic upload feature.

This batch is ideal for anyone who maintains a website shop especially if you have lots of products.

or Add to Cart and Checkout as normal.

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