We can istall your Candypress Storefront on your server for you and have you up and running in no time.
What do we offer?
Candypress Storefront Installation on your server
Candypress Adminstration installed on your server
Permissions set on the required folders
- Database (CPData)
- Prod Images
- Downloads
- Import
Setup URLS for standard access
Testing to make sure everything is working as required
What do we need from you?
Your licenced SF & SA ZIP files on your server
Description of your webspace structure
Admin remote access to your server during the installation
FTP access to the Webspace during the installation
URL of your domain
Details of your mail server and the mail component you intend to use
ie: JMail, CDOSys, ASPMail, etc etc
Vailid Email address and password for SMTP Authentication
What we don't do?
Supply Candypress
Setup any Secure Server Cerificates
These will need to be already setup correctly if you wish to use them
Setup any external software
Import products or do data entry
Should you need any further clarification, please use the Contact Us form to ask your questions prior to ordering.